Watch Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 7 Online - The Bear and The Maiden Fair Promo. Watch out for Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 7 and witness the forthcoming wedding of Tyrion Lannister with his wife to be Sansa Stark. So the wedding will really happen? What do you think will be the effect of this wedding to all the people surrounding them? Don't miss that out guys. Also join Daenery as she arrive to the city of Yunkai. All of these will happen in our next episode "The Bear and The Maiden Fair. Watch the promo below and see how things will happen for the next episode.
The episode will advance the storylines of Daenerys' arrival to the city of Yunkai, the repercussions of the upcoming marriage of Tyrion Lannister and Sansa Stark, and Brienne's fate at the ruined castle of Harrenhal.